As per a new report by the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC), packaged and processed foods have high amount of salt. The leading national public health institute of the United States also stated that producers know that they are using high amount of salt while manufacturing packaged and processed foods, but still they are ignoring the fact that high consumption of salt has negative impact on health.
Health experts always suggest not consuming excessive amount of salt as it could lead to health problems like increase in blood pressure and hypertension. The high salt intake could also be responsible for stomach cancer, osteoporosis, obesity and kidney stones.
As per CDC, the packaged foods could be reason why nine of 10 children in the United States consume high amount of salt. The new report by the federal agency stated that the producers have been overstepping federal guidelines and contain high concentrations of salt that is not revealed to consumers.
From a long time, public health authorities have been urging for a reduction in salt due to the fact that high amount of salt could be cause of high blood pressure and a wide variety of other health complications.
According to CDC, packaged foods like meats and pasta, with 80% of instances have been overstepping federal salt intake guidelines. Another food, Pizzas also contained too much salt in 70% of cases.
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